WTB PvP specific items
I need this list of weapons. Post stats if you have some 1 point off. There is no real difference between 1%. On war weapons attribute really doesn't matter. I never use less than 15.
Rightous Maul 15% stance or >50hp
Summit Hammer 15% stance or >50hp
-5 energy sword don't care what skin or stats
Long sword 15% >50hp
Korvald's Cane
Garbok's Cane
Inspire req +5e (enchanted) 20% inspire recharge or 10% spell recharge
15/1 10% spell recharge (air, earth, divine, blood, inspire, dom, illusion)
Gordac's Holy Rod
I guess that is it for now. If you have something is similar to what i'm looking for just post it.